Preguntas frecuentes


Is my tourist visa of 90 days in Central America still valid?

Since 2006 all tourists have a period of 90 days to visit the 4 countries of Central America which belong to the «C4» (Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Nicaragua). There is, however, a quick way of acquiring a prolongation of your visa for another 90 days. If you go to the Southern border between Nicaragua and Costa Rica (Penas Blancas), you leave Nicaragua, enter into Costa Rica and have your passport stamped (entry). At the same station you can then get another stamp (exit) with which you can then return to Nicaragua. It costs $5 plus $1 (tax) to leave Nicaragua. The entry fee is $12. There are no expenses to enter Costa Rica but the exit fee is $8.

Important: The authorities in Costa Rica require that you have either a bus or plane ticket showing that you can leave the country. You will have to provide proof of this upon crossing the border and entering the country. Should you not have a ticket you will be obliged to buy one locally at the Ticabus office. The price is $30.


Why are all prices in dollars?

Nicaragua has an annual inflation rate of 6% therefore the “Cordoba” (Nicaragua’s currency) always devalues against the Dollar. When we arrived in 2002 the exchange rate was $1=14 Cordobas. In 2016 $1=28 Cordobas. If we used the local currency we would have to continuously update our menus, prices and price tags, at least once a month which is hardly practical. We do however accept payment in Cordobas.


Do you take credit cards?

Yes, We accept all of the main credit/debit cards.

We accept PAYPAL and WISE payments


Are there any ATM’s in the neighborhood?

Yes, There is an ATM in San Fernando at Hotel “Xally” which is about 2km (or a 20 minutes walk) from the farm.Another is in Santo Domingo at the hotel «Villa Paraiso» at a distance of about 4km from the farm. At the port of Moyogalpa, 35km from the farm, there are banks and ATM’s. Every day, except on Sundays there are various buses which travel to and from Moyogalpa (a 2 hour ride), otherwise, if you prefer you can travel by taxi which takes about 45 minutes.


Are there night lights?

All of the dormitories, huts and communal spaces have electricity. There are no lights, however, on the paths and roads so we advise to keep a torch with you at all times after sunset.


Are there many insects?

Yes. The farm is in a tropical forest so we have all kinds of insects. We have: Spiders, scorpions, may-bugs, bees, hornets, beetles, flies, ants and many others. Do not worry about poisonous insects unless you are allergic, none of them are that dangerous. Insects are part of nature, please respect them. Do not kill them and if they bother you just move them on delicately. In the dry season (from December to May) we have no mosquitoes because of the wind. In the wet season (from June to November) we do have mosquitoes, but not that many. For those who have chosen to sleep in the dormitories or in hammocks we advise you to bring a mosquito net with you. Please also bring insect repellents. We make our own natural product (repellent) which is on sale in our shop.


Are there any poisonous animals?

The only dangerous poisonous animal we have on the island is the Coral Snake. It is easily recognizable, because of its vivid markings. It has red, yellow and black horizontal rings  along the whole length of its body. The red and black rings are larger than the yellow ones. The sequence of the rings is: Red, yellow, black, yellow. This is a small snake which rarely grows to more than 1 meter. In all the time we have been here we have never seen one on the farm as it is a very shy reptile and afraid of humans. If, however you should see one, simply remove yourself from its vicinity. It is probably much more scared than you and will also get away asap. If anyone is bitten by this snake they must reach the nearest phone and call a doctor immediately.

There is another non poisonous snake which resembles the Coral Snake. It is completely harmless but imitates the markings of the Coral Snake to frighten the other animals. We have images of the snakes to help you see the difference, however it is not that easy so the best course of action is simply to walk away or wait for the snake to leave.


Is there a communal kitchen on the farm?

There is a communal kitchen, but it is only available to guests who stay with us for more than two weeks. Guests staying for this duration will receive a discount on their stay and may possibly use the communal kitchen, but access is not guaranteed. They must ask for prior permission from a responsible staff member, and it will be granted or denied based on availability and circumstances. Thank you for your understanding.


Is it possible to attend yoga classes if you are not a guest? Is yoga free?

Yes, yoga classes are not only for our guests. Yoga at El Zopilote is offered on a pay-what-you-want basis. You can join for free or contribute any amount to support the teacher’s work. Donations are optional but appreciated as a way to value their effort. Thank you for your kindness and support!

For those not staying with us, a contribution or a purchase at the restaurant is required.. Please ask for info at the reception.


Is Ometepe a safe place?

Yes, especially compared to most Central American cities. It is a good idea, however to follow a few simple rules:

  1. Do not go out alone at night, this rule applies especially to women.
  2. Do not leave your belongings unguarded.
  3. Do not leave cars, motorbikes or bikes outside at night. The following day you might discover missing parts.
  4. Be cautious in showing your money. It is not wise to make a public display of wealth.
  5. On the farm, please keep your belongings in the lockers that we provide. For even better security you may leave computers and cameras in the lockers at the reception.
  6. Should you notice anything unusual,  suspicious people or activities please alert the night guards and/or the reception.
  7. If you see people who are particularly drunk or aggressive, again, please alert the night guards or the reception.